How to pass my day between 20 to March 26. I spent most of my time for giving mid term exam .
Table of contents
26 - Mar
It’s the day before my web technologies exam. Basically in the middle of the course they only covered basic html css and js.
I just go through all of the topics and learn something new. I am not good at web development, but I try my best to introduce myself in this tech stack.
I am a little confused about ReGex. It refers to regular expressions by which we can find some patterns of an article or validation form in HTML, JS and CSS.
Here are some basic things about RegEx.
\w select without Special character also Space and Tab and not Select new line
\W is the reverse of the \w
\d always select digit
\D reverse of the small \d
\s always select space and tab
\S reverse of the \s
\. is called PERIOD it select all without newline
\t tab only select
[ ] the sign is called set and matches one by one characters . Also fix length inside this [ ]
eg : [a-z] select all characters a to z
[^abc] inside the third backet it ( ^ ) called Negation , WE know negation means reverse like it can select all characters except abc
25 - Mar
On this day I was a little tired though the holy month of Ramadan is running. I didn’t remarkable event this. I was a little confused about the upcoming days. I am starting to learn basic python with the help of Kunal Kushwa Python video. Just one more clear of my basic things. And then I will move to learn the ML algorithm.
I also make a simple registration by HTML.
24 - 23 Mar
on the 24 march, I have a software engineering exam today and this day exam is in the early morning after that I attended the DASpiB closing ceremony where the key speaker idea gives about cyber security. Also, the night is Ramadan night, the first Ramadan we went to her love party.
The day after the computer graphics exam I started to know the implementation of these algorithms. Well, I spent almost 3 hours on this and then I have to go to Rasel's house for his wedding. After that, I and my cousin went outside the market to watch movies.
On 23rd March. I took preparation for computer graphics algorithms also group studies with my mate.
22 - 20 Mar
another day of my midterm exam, as the exam was middle of the week I feel discomfort at the time. I perform well but I feel a little awkward when it comes to my fired Galib who wanted to see my exam notes I could not see her as the hall teachers were very strict. After the exam and my best friends visit the nearby tour place to pass a good time but the plan is not successful. The reason is the rainy season, I love the season very much but I also hate the season very as I could not go outside of the area
I was shocked one of my friends ( batch mate ) went to the apps hackathon without informing me as the day after also we have an exam, but how it is possible I could not understand.