6th week of 52 weeks

6th week of 52 weeks

In this article, I wrote about how to pass my day between February 6 and 12. I have most of my time spent on flutter project.

Table of contents

6 - Feb

I woke up very early in the morning and rewrote the code that gave last night's error. In the morning I completed some tasks for my college and then went to my aunty’s house.

It is NFO birthday date, and for the first time, I met Junun. She is a very talkative girl and she is only 5 years old.

In the afternoon my college teacher gave me a lecture about Bresenham's Line Algorithm and its implementation. Here brief discussion from CHAT GPT

Bresenham's Line Algorithm is a widely used computer graphics algorithm that can be used to efficiently generate a line in a two-dimensional plane. This algorithm is particularly useful in situations where you need to draw a line in a bitmap image, for example in games, computer-aided design (CAD) systems, and other graphical applications.

The basic idea behind Bresenham's Line Algorithm is to iteratively choose the pixel that is closest to the line being drawn and plot it as the next pixel in the line. This approach ensures that the line appears smooth and without any noticeable jagged edges.

To understand how Bresenham's Line Algorithm works, it is important to first understand the concept of a line's slope. A line's slope is a measure of how much the line rises or falls as it moves from left to right. Bresenham's Line Algorithm uses the line's slope to determine which pixels should be plotted next.

7th Feb

I woke up late in the morning compared with other days. I am margin the project for our projects and then going to college. As the first class is VLSI the teacher gave a lecture on how to n channel fabrications

Generally, the N channel is used in transistors as the teacher said. He also said how the photoresist works

After that, we met with our honorable teacher who is the supervisor for our projects. My team and I were busy with another feature of our project: nearby connections without the internet. The data will be passed through the hotspot or Bluetooth. But we are unable to implement it.

In the afternoon when I reached the home point, one of my brothers called to help.

As I agree with the deal I will miss the bus. In the evening I am discussing some external issues with my cousin with a great coffee team

Feb - 8

As I did not go to college, I woke up late in the morning. It was almost 9:30 am. After finishing the basic Parts of the activities I started coding as I am going home. I want a Causer slide. I am facing a unique problem when I am trying to add it. In this particular widget inside I have used a double Container of Image asset widget () but it does work if the image is larger than PNG. I DIDN'T know why this is not working, but it couldn’t show any error message in the Terminal section. I am reading here and there to solve the issue, but I couldn’t go. Now I remove the parent widget I used I Just