4th week of 52 weeks

4th week of 52 weeks

This articles I have wrote how to pass my day between 23 to 29 January .

Jan - 23 :

I got up early in the morning to go to my university first class but unfortunately, I wouldn’t go to Kamal Bazar as there was a strike. I planned to do it inside the room but I did nothing in the room because of the lack of electricity. In the evening I am trying to build an app where I can connect GeLocator to dynamically find the latitude and longitude for a current state. For this implementation, I have learned to edit the android manifest file in the flutter app model. There are several options to solve it. Finally, I do it. But I faced a problem to return a value from the Future type method. And I realize I lack knowledge about this platform.

Jan - 24:

I woke up early in the morning and started coding about Reflection serialization with help of my instructor. I did everything well. Whenever I press the F5 then I get an error. I didn’t understand why it occurred. I am very tense after not running it. The electricity has gone as a result of my depression getting longer. In the end, I have not reached the target

Jan - 25:

I am very excited and preparing myself for the upcoming Hackathon. I solved and studied how to convert JSON serialization without the NewtonSoft framework. I am surfing the internet but I can’t find anything. Also, develop a basic flutter app by trying to connect firebase in the backend. I think the most challenging part of the development is connecting backbends. If it connects and works successfully, then you never feel it is hard. So far I have done the authentication part. Though firebase is work based on documentation rather than the table (SQL) method.

Jan - 26 to 28:

I got up early in the morning and packed two bags to go to SUST where my first Hackathon will start. This is the very first time for the SWE department in Sust and my entire life. In the afternoon, Galib and I went to the local food court where I saw her and we discussed several topics for our projects, including the Hackathon. This is a 36-hour-long Hackathon. The one thing running through my mind is could we survive the end? In the first part of the Hackathon, checkpoint one is to draw diagrams (ER, Architecture, Data Flow, Use case, and 2 other diagrams). I have only an idea about the use case diagram. We drew 4 diagrams by watching YouTube Videos. It took approximately 6-7 hours. We thought the organizer would give the idea to implement, but here we saw our submitted idea would be implemented. We were a little shocked that we didn’t execute our submitted idea. We tried our best to implement the project within 24 hours. We tried but we couldn’t reach the final race. Although it is our first-ever experience, we are satisfied with our performance. When we returned home I slept almost 12 hours.

Jan - 29:

I woke up late in the morning on the first day after returning to the tournament. I watched some videos on how to convert Objects to JSON without using the Newtonsoft framework in C#. I am trying but I couldn’t get a clue. I feel a little depressed about how to solve this particular problem. As my instructor said Reflection is very important for the dot net. I am trying to solve it.

I am feeling a little depressed about whether I continue the class on dot net or not. I have also a pending project. This is a very tough time for me. I did not know what should I do.

special participate in the first hackathon in SUST at SWE dep.