3rd week out of 52 weeks

3rd week out of 52 weeks

This article is about 3 weeks out of 52 weeks. Here I wrote how I passed my weeks. Now, this is a very effective week for me so far ....


In the very early morning, I downloaded 4 pieces of software. These are visual studio 2022, git tortoise, MY SQL server 2022, and docker desktop respectively. As the new journey started. I invested in my dream, I took on a challenge as I will do something. This installation took around one and half hours due to the speed of the network. After that, I can successfully configure the firebase connection in my flutter app. I will write the documentation very soon. I also connected animation to this app for the very first time I used it. Whenever I complete after getting several errors it feels like I have won the conquer the world.


Watching some videos more about firebase. I went there with my uncle and brothers. Mainly he came to buy a new mobile phone. There is a massive problem arising between Realme 10 and Samsung F23. I saw some reviews from YouTube and Google, then I decided that F23 is better than this. Finally, he bought an F22. After that, we also bought some sports kits for FAA(Farhan, Aiman, and Ahsan). And then we arranged a buffet for our lunch. However, it was full of an enjoyable day. In the evening I studied some topics about Flutter firebase connection. This is easy but quite hard for me. I am trying to master it.


I woke early in the morning and designed a CISCO network for my upcoming lab final. It goes well but gives me errors, the connection is not established. I made a connection manually between two routers rather than the command line. I get a little more confused.

After that, I took a break and started designing the flutter basic homepage and forgetting the page for my note app project. In the evening I made a note about LINQ in C#. So far I have learned what it is, how it works, and why it is important. Well, my notes will be published soon. After that, I clear some essential topics about C# from w3school. I recall it as I am going to soon start my journey about dot net asp


Finally, I made a connection with more than 2 routers with the help of the command line by watching AHQ videos that were sent to me by someone. I also redesigned the homepage and forgot the password page for my NOTE APP. And then I went to the market to buy some clothes of mine. I had planned to go to Osmani medical to meet with Tarek and Shahin, but unfortunately, I couldn’t go there. My grandfather often said you could keep your two legs in two boats simultaneously. I can not go there because I have spent some educational time with her.


I read some articles on the Microsoft site about c# collections. I realized it is true that c# is completely a class-based language. We can not do anything without class.

I also cover some basic topics from w3scholl. I enjoyed it, but my confusion was yet unsolved. A little confusion about the interface and abstract class in C#. I also design 2 pages for my flutter projects alongside the cisco diagram design.

Here is the design it

Network Design


I took preparing for the upcoming CN lab exam. I learned how data passed between 2 routers in the IPV4. We are using IPV4 currently, and we all know that every device has unique public IP. A router that I used in the Cisco Packet tracer has 24 ports, That means by one router we can use 24 private devices with help of one public IP. I also did some problems with subnet musk. I also configure a unique design of network protocols with one of my university friends. Just a day we design only, but have no proper idea of static routing protocol. Also, there have dynamic options, I tried my best but I could not do this.


I have a computer networking lab final online. The course teacher is a very very unproductive teacher in my college. I was in zoom waiting approximately 2 hours for 10 minutes viva. He asked me three questions and gave me a task that was to connect a new PC to the Router through the switch. Alhamdulillah, I have done this without any hesitation. After completing my task, my mates made me very busy asking the same question: how to connect, and how to do static protocol. Sajjad please come on Google meet and give me ideas otherwise I will fail the exam. I felt disturbed but I helped all of them with the sort times.


I went to my college where I saw a lot of old friends. They are making plans to go somewhere with juniors. I woke up late in the morning and went there without any study. It took me 4 hours. I enjoyed the initial part of the meeting, but I felt bored at the end. I also cash out from Rupali Bank nearly half lack BDT Taka for my 4/1 tuition fee. I bought two dresses for her upcoming happy day. However, I spent the whole day doing unnecessary things. I go back home quickly and start watching videos about fluttering real-time databases. After watching this, Alhamdulillah, I can pass data from my app to firebase Realtime data. Here I learned: MatriallButton, Database reference, and the use of the Padding widget.